Booked A Feature Film, Turned It Down, Still A Win!

Hello, my fellow artists! Welcome to another exciting edition of my weekly blog. As you all know, I have two goals that I am focusing on this year. And each week, I am alternating between the two goals to provide updates that are hopefully inspiring and engaging. This week, we are back to my acting goal for 2024: Book supporting roles in feature films produced and distributed by independent or mid-sized studios.

Two weeks ago, I shared that I had the opportunity to audition for a feature film! A friend and colleague of mine reached out and said that she was pitching me for a role in a feature film that she was producing and acting in. She sent me the sides and I put myself on tape. I was very happy with the product I created. Well, I booked it! They offered me the role and it was a two-day shoot for my character. I was thrilled and excited to play this role. I asked them if this film was under a SAG-AFTRA contract. Unfortunately, it was not, and I had to decline the offer. I still took my booking as a win and as a step forward toward booking supporting roles in mid-sized and independent movie studios! I’m not disappointed at all. I wished them the best in finalizing their cast with this role and moved on. Keep reading below šŸ™‚

Also, in the last two weeks, I created a spreadsheet listing the directors behind the indie feature films that caught my attention from the 2023 and 2024 film festivals I researched. I will start looking up and entering their contact info into the spreadsheet (and I’ll play my Madonna playlist on Spotify to be my motivating soundtrack while I do this!) FYI, I still don’t have the 2024 feature film lineup from Telluride and Toronto, and here’s why: Telluride keeps its lineup secret until the day of the festival, and Toronto will reveal its lineup on August 13th. Keep reading below:)

See you all next week!

2 thoughts on “Booked A Feature Film, Turned It Down, Still A Win!”

  1. Sweet Jorge….

    I did a non union pilot today…was so happy to work. The pay was not union pay, but I needed to act. It’s been years.

    After paying dues to Sag-Aftra since 1971, when the union dropped the seniors from the health plan that I was entitled to for the rest of my life, I said I’m going to do whatever jobs I please. That’s just me. It’s a different business now. I grab whatever work I can get.

    I love that you’re scoring work…keep it up.

    Love and respect.

    Carole Ita


  2. I’m proud of you Jorge for having the ability to stick by your goals and beliefs. You will get that job sometime in the future I just know it. Until then keep doing what you are doing while rocking out to Madonna.


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