A24, Can You Hear Me?

Hello, my fellow artists! Welcome to another exciting edition of my weekly blog. As you all know, I have two goals that I am focusing on this year. And each week, I am alternating between the two goals to provide updates that are hopefully inspiring and engaging. This week, we are back to my acting goal for 2024: Book supporting roles in feature films produced and distributed by independent or mid-sized studios.

In my last acting update, I looked at opening up the aperture to bigger studios. I realized it could be that role in a Universal Studios, Warner Bros., or Netflix feature film that creates the pathway to booking roles with A24, Focus Features, Searchlight, etc. And since my last acting update, I had the opportunity to audition for a feature film! A friend and colleague of mine reached out and said that she was pitching me for a role in a feature film that she was producing and acting in. She sent me the sides and I put myself on tape. I was very happy with the product I created. Keep reading below 🙂

I looked through my DOIN (Declaration of Independence) and I’m ready to tackle the next round of administration for my acting goal. If you all remember, I researched indie directors and producers whose feature films screened at the 2023 and 2024 Sundance, SXSW, Cannes, Tribeca, Telluride, and Toronto film festivals (I still need to research this year’s Telluride and Toronto film festivals.) I made a list of the films that caught my attention and I will now reach out to the directors behind these films. Wish me luck! Keep reading below 🙂

See you all next week!

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